International Paper Names Joy Roman as New Chief People & Strategy Officer, Unifying Key Roles

International Paper Names Joy Roman as New Chief People & Strategy Officer, Unifying Key Roles

International Paper (NYSE:IP) has appointed Joy Roman as Senior Vice President, Chief People and Strategy Officer, effective February 1. Roman will report to Chairman and CEO Andy Silvernail and lead the company’s efforts in talent development, organizational effectiveness, and corporate strategy. She will also oversee Sustainability and Communications functions.

Roman joins from Berry Global, where she served as Chief People & Strategy Officer since April 2024. Her career includes roles at McKinsey & Company, 3M, Toll Brothers, and De Beers Group. She holds an MBA from Yale School of Management.

International Paper, headquartered in Memphis, is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp, and fiber-based products, with net sales of $18.9 billion in 2023. The company employs approximately 39,000 people globally with operations in North America, Europe, Latin America, and Africa.

International Paper (NYSE:IP) ha nominato Joy Roman come Vicepresidente Senior e Chief People and Strategy Officer, con efficacia dal 1 febbraio. Roman riporterà al Presidente e CEO Andy Silvernail e guiderà gli sforzi dell’azienda nello sviluppo del talento, nell’efficacia organizzativa e nella strategia aziendale. Inoltre, supervisionerà le funzioni di Sostenibilità e Comunicazione.

Roman arriva da Berry Global, dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di Chief People & Strategy Officer da aprile 2024. La sua carriera include ruoli in McKinsey & Company, 3M, Toll Brothers e De Beers Group. Ha conseguito un MBA alla Yale School of Management.

International Paper, con sede a Memphis, è un produttore globale di imballaggi sostenibili, pasta e prodotti a base di fibra, con vendite nette di 18,9 miliardi di dollari nel 2023. L’azienda impiega circa 39.000 persone a livello globale con operazioni in Nord America, Europa, America Latina e Africa.

International Paper (NYSE:IP) ha nombrado a Joy Roman como Vicepresidenta Senior y Chief People and Strategy Officer, con efecto desde el 1 de febrero. Roman reportará al Presidente y CEO Andy Silvernail y liderará los esfuerzos de la empresa en desarrollo de talento, efectividad organizacional y estrategia corporativa. También supervisará las funciones de Sostenibilidad y Comunicaciones.

Roman se une de Berry Global, donde se desempeñó como Chief People & Strategy Officer desde abril de 2024. Su carrera incluye roles en McKinsey & Company, 3M, Toll Brothers y De Beers Group. Posee un MBA de la Yale School of Management.

International Paper, con sede en Memphis, es un productor global de envases sostenibles, pulpas y productos a base de fibra, con ventas netas de 18.9 mil millones de dólares en 2023. La empresa emplea aproximadamente a 39,000 personas a nivel global con operaciones en América del Norte, Europa, América Latina y África.

International Paper (NYSE:IP)는 Joy Roman을 수석 부사장, 인사 및 전략 책임자로 임명했습니다. 그녀의 임기는 2월 1일부터 시작됩니다. Roman은 의장 겸 CEO인 Andy Silvernail에게 보고하며 인재 개발, 조직 효율성 및 기업 전략에서 회사의 노력을 이끌 것입니다. 그녀는 또한 지속 가능성 및 커뮤니케이션 기능을 감독할 것입니다.

Roman은 Berry Global에서 2024년 4월부터 인사 및 전략 책임자 역할을 맡고 있었습니다. 그녀의 경력에는 McKinsey & Company, 3M, Toll Brothers 및 De Beers Group에서의 역할이 포함됩니다. 그녀는 Yale School of Management에서 MBA를 취득했습니다.

Memphis에 본사를 두고 있는 International Paper는 2023년에 189억 달러의 순매출을 기록한 지속 가능한 포장재, 펄프 및 섬유 기반 제품의 세계적인 생산업체입니다. 이 회사는 북미, 유럽, 라틴 아메리카 및 아프리카에서 활동하며 전 세계에 약 39,000명의 직원을 고용하고 있습니다.

International Paper (NYSE:IP) a nommé Joy Roman au poste de Vice-Présidente Senior, Responsable des Ressources Humaines et de la Stratégie, à compter du 1er février. Roman rendra compte au Président et CEO Andy Silvernail et dirigera les efforts de l’entreprise en matière de développement des talents, d’efficacité organisationnelle et de stratégie d’entreprise. Elle supervisera également les fonctions de durabilité et de communication.

Roman vient de Berry Global, où elle a occupé le poste de Responsable des Ressources Humaines et de la Stratégie depuis avril 2024. Sa carrière comprend des postes chez McKinsey & Company, 3M, Toll Brothers et De Beers Group. Elle est titulaire d’un MBA de la Yale School of Management.

International Paper, dont le siège est à Memphis, est un producteur mondial d’emballages durables, de pâte et de produits à base de fibres, avec des ventes nettes de 18,9 milliards de dollars en 2023. L’entreprise emploie environ 39 000 personnes dans le monde, avec des opérations en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, en Amérique latine et en Afrique.

International Paper (NYSE:IP) hat Joy Roman zur Senior Vice President und Chief People and Strategy Officer ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 1. Februar. Roman wird an den Vorsitzenden und CEO Andy Silvernail berichten und die Bemühungen des Unternehmens in den Bereichen Talententwicklung, organisatorische Effektivität und Unternehmensstrategie leiten. Außerdem wird sie die Funktionen Nachhaltigkeit und Kommunikation überwachen.

Roman kommt von Berry Global, wo sie seit April 2024 als Chief People & Strategy Officer tätig war. Ihre Karriere umfasst Positionen bei McKinsey & Company, 3M, Toll Brothers und De Beers Group. Sie hat einen MBA von der Yale School of Management.

International Paper, mit Hauptsitz in Memphis, ist ein globaler Hersteller von nachhaltigen Verpackungen, Zellstoffen und faserbasierten Produkten, mit Netzverkäufen von 18,9 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2023. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt weltweit etwa 39.000 Mitarbeiter und ist in Nordamerika, Europa, Lateinamerika und Afrika tätig.
