6 Go-To Resources for PA Women-Owned Businesses in 2023

6 Go-To Resources for PA Women-Owned Businesses in 2023
PA Women Owned Businesses
Pigeon Hill Studios in Bedford, Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, nearly 40 percent of our small businesses are owned by women. For those women looking to start your own business in PA, we have put together a list of go-to resources. Whether it’s becoming certified as a small diverse business, applying for funding, finding business mentors, or contracting with government agencies, Pennsylvania can help its women-owned businesses build a bright future for themselves and their families, ensure their neighborhoods are vibrant places to live and work, and contribute to our thriving economy.

1. Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop

The Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop is the first stop for many individuals seeking information about how to turn their entrepreneurial ideas into a new business. The experts at Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop provide customized assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs and existing small businesses and offer access to a vast toolbox of services and resources, including those focused on small diverse businesses.

2. Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)

The Pennsylvania SBDC network